Regulament KVC
Regulament KVC
K.V.C. 2017
1. Intro-ul grafic va fi disponibil incepand cu data de 10 aprilie
2. Data limita a postarii este 30 aprilie
3. Rezultatele vor fi anuntate pe data de 5 mai
4. Vor fi doua (2) categorii: incepatori si avansati
5. Clipurile nu trebuie sa depaseasca 2 minute
6. Se accepta un (1) singur video de la fiecare participant
7. Clipurile vor incepe cu intro-ul grafic asigurat de noi. Intro-ul va aparea timp de 3 secunde la inceputul clipului si inca 3 secunde la sfarsitul acestuia. Cele 6 secunde nu se scad din timpul acordat fiecarui participant.
8. Clipurile pot contine oricate trick-uri sau combinatii in stilul freestyle.
9. Este acceptata filmarea din diferite unghiuri si in diferite locatii cu mentiunea ca fiecare trick trebuie sa se vada clar. Nu este permisa editarea/taierea clipului in momentul executarii trick-urilor! Fata jucatorului trebuie sa fie vizibila pe toata durata clipului!
10. Calitatea clipurilor trebuie sa fie buna! Atentie la detalii ca: dispozitivul video folosit pentru inregistrare, lumina din timpul filmarii si imbracamintea (recomandam un tricou negru/de culoare inchisa fara prea multe modele care sa fure ochiul).
11. Clipurile vor fi incarcate pe Yotube si denumite: “Kendama Video Contest Romania 2017, Numele tau – categoria (incepatori/ avansati)” si vor contine tag-ul “”.
12. Dupa ce a incarcat videoclipul pe Youtube, fiecare participant trebuie sa il posteze pe pagina de Facebook a concursului. Clipurile care nu respecta criteriile de mai sus vor fi sterse, insa participantii pot reposta varianta corectata oricand.
Jurizarea: Videoclipurile vor fi jurizate dupa urmatoarele criterii: dificultatea trick-urilor, originalitate, calitate spectacol si calitatea video-ului. Fiecare criteriu va fi evaluat pe o scara de la 1 la 10 (10 fiind nota cea mai mare), iar clipul care intruneste cele mai multe puncte va fi declarat castigator.
K.V.C. 2017
1. We will release the intro graphic on the 10th of April
2. Video submitting ends on the 30nd of April
3. The results will be public on the 5th of May
4. There will be two (2) categories: beginners and advanced
5. Videos will be no longer than 2:00 minutes
6. We will accept just one (1) video per contestant
7. Videos will start with the intro graphic provided here. The intro will appear for 3 seconds in the beginning of the video and 3 seconds at the end of it. These 6 seconds will not cut from the player’s video time.
8. Videos may contain as many tricks/combinations as you know - Freestyle. You may use any type of Kendama you wish.
9. It is accepted to film from different angles or in different locations with the mentioning that every trick, single throw and combo must be shown clearly. Editing/cutting the video in any way while performing the tricks is not permitted! The player's face must visible for the full length of the video!
10. Videos must be of good quality! Pay attention to details like the device you are using to record, the light in the moment of recording and the clothes you are wearing (we recommend a black/dark coloured T-shirt which doesn’t have too many prints that can distract the eye).
11. Each participant must share his video on Youtube using the “" tag and the following title: “Kendama Video Contest Romania 2017: YourFullName – category (beginner/advanced)”
12. After submission, the videos will be shared by the participants on the Facebook Wall of the event. The videos which do not respect the rules above will be deleted from the event's Facebook page, but the participants can repost the correct video anytime.
Judging: Videos will be judged on the following criteria: Trick Difficulty, Originality, Entertainment, and Quality of the video. Each piece of criteria will be rated from 1-10 (10 being the best). The highest scored video will win the video contest.