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Yoyo Video Contest Romania 2012

Yoyo Video Contest Romania 2012

Romania, suntem gata de joaca? Pune-ti manusile potrivite, dati frau liber imaginatiei si tinteste cat mai sus!

Toata lumea e cu ochii pe tine si ma refer chiar la World Wide.


Pe locuri, fiti gata si cand voi spune "Start", fi pe faza, noul an aduce cel mai tare concurs yoyo, o alta premiera pentru Romania, marca - Yoyo Video Contest Romania.

Cel de-al doilea concurs bazat pe videoclipuri, ce provoaca ambele categorii de yoyo players - incepatori si avansati- se vrea o continuare a experientei din 2010, dar cu multe alte surprize, ce plaseaza evenimentul la un cu totul alt nivel. Vom aduce laolalta cunostinte mai vechi si mai noi, vom pune pe sticla ultimele trickuri ce se poarta, pentru ca in final sa ne bucuram de o comunitate Yoyo Culture RO asa cum se cuvine. O vom face ca la carte, ca in cartea celor mari.


YoyoFactory e aici cu noi, impreuna cu, gata sa premieze cei mai talentati jucatori, ai ambelor grupe.

Iata premiile:


Categoria "Incepatori":

Premiul I: Speed Dial

Premiul II: Grind Machine

Premiul III: Velocity


Categoria "Avansati":

Premiul I: Supernova Splash

Premiul II: Protostar

Premiul III: Counter Attack


Premiul pentru popularitate: 888


Pentru a ne invarti degetele cu ele trebuie sa trecem de un juriu pe masura.

Anul acesta ne bucuram de prezenta a trei arbitrii, din trei tari diferite, talentati, gata sa ne impartaseasca din experianta lor in materie de stiluri de joc, dar si din cea a concursurilor la care au participat.


Cunoaste-i pe:

Andrei Mandrea (ROM - a jurizat prima editie)

Nazri Arshad: - MAS - player si promotor yoyo

1st Malaysian Yo-yo Battle 2011 Champion

2004 Asian Pasific Artistic Performance Finalist

Malaysia & Internationally Yoyo Performer

Nandor Groger (HUN - dublu campion european 4A, 2010-2011 )


Pentru detalii despre regulament click aici !


S-a terminat, premiile s-au luat, iar noi de-abia asteptam sa organizam un nou contest! Pana una-alta, iata lista castigatorilor editiei acesteia:




1. Mihok Eduard, 81 puncte

2. Caucean Radu Stefan, 80 puncte

3. Csegedi Robert, 66 puncte




1. Bostan Alex, 88 puncte

2. Salagean Dan, 79 puncte

3. Schuller Mark, 74 puncte


Premiul de popularitate: Blana Radu


Va multumim pentru participare si felicitari tuturor! 



Romania, are we ready for play time? Put on your right gloves, let your imagination glide and aim as high as you can! Everyone’s watching you and I’m not talking small talk here... I’m talking WORLWIDE!


On my mark, get set and when I say GO, be sharp, because the new year is bringing the coolest yoyo contest in town! Another unique experience for Romania, brought to you by – Yoyo Video Contest Romania!


The 2nd edition of this video based contest, which challenges both categories of yo-yo players – beginners and advanced – wants to be a sequel of the 2010 experience but with much more surprises up its sleeve which raises the 2012 edition on a whole different level! We’ll bring together the old and the new, we’ll put the latest trends in tricks on the small screen, thus creating a Yo-yo Culture RO comunity of which we can all be joyful of.


YoyoFactory is here with us, together with, ready to give prizes to the most talented players of both categories. Here are the prizes:


Beginners category

1st place: Speed Dial

2nd place: Grind Machine

3rd place: Vellocity


Advanced category

1st place: Supernova Splash

2nd place: Protostar

3rd place: Counter Attack


Popularity prize: 888


For you to get your fingers around one of the above, you have to pass our just as amazing judges!

This year we are delighted to have three very talented judges, from three different countries, who are ready to share their knowledge in styles and tricks and also their experince from their past events!



Andrei Mandrea (ROM – he judged the last edition of Y.Y.V.C.R)

Nazri Arshad – MAS – player and yo-yo promotor

-          1st Malaysian Yo-yo Battle 2011 Champion

-          2004 Asian Pacific Artistic Performance Finalist

-          Malaysia and International yo-yo performer

Nandor Groger (HUN – double 4a European Champion, 2010 – 2011)


Details about the rules are available here !


The contest is over, the prizes are taken and we are already excited about organizing the next edition! But until then, here's a list of this edition's winners:




1. Mihok Eduard, 81 points

2. Caucean Radu Stefan, 80 points

3. Csegedi Robert, 66 points




1. Bostan Alex, 88 points

2. Salagean Dan, 79 points

3. Schuller Mark, 74 points


Popularity prize: Blana Radu


We want to congratulate all of you and thank you for your participation!



Text: Oana Oprea; imagine: Leu Flavius.

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