YoyoVideo Contest 2013
Dupa cum te-am obisnuit, toamna Juggler.ro isi numara yoyo playerii. Romania, esti pregatita?
Dupa cum te-am obisnuit, toamna Juggler.ro isi numara yoyo playerii. Romania, esti pregatita?
Pentru editia din 2013 premiile sunt mai mari, standardele sunt mai ridicate, iar provocarea e pe masura.
Vei avea de pregatit un videoclip in care sa ne convingi ca tu esti cel mai bun in materie de yoyoing, fie pentru categoria incepator, fie pentru cea de avansati, dar, in plus, secvente din videoclipul tau pot fi material promotional pentru primul spot publicitar cu tema "Yoyo @ YoyoBox", made in Romania.
Afla mai multe detalii pe pagina oficiala la concursului: YYVC facebook page.
Go with the flow!
Juggler.ro: http://www.juggler.ro/ro/
Yoyofactory Europe: http://
Active People: http://activepeople.com/
Yoyobox.ro: http://www.yoyobox.ro/ro/
As we used to each year, in autumn Juggler.ro is counting his yoyo players. Romania are you ready?
For the edition of 2013 the prizes are bigger, the stadards are higher and the chalange as well.
You will have to make a video in which to convinge us that you are the best in yoyoing, in the beginner category or in the advanced one, and, beyond this, sequesces from your video may be included in the first spot about yoyos made in Romania, with he theme "Yoyo @ YoyoBox".
Find out more from the official page of the contest: YYVC facebook page.
Go with the flow!
Juggler.ro: http://www.juggler.ro/ro/
Yoyofactory Europe: http://
Active People: http://activepeople.com/
Yoyobox.ro: http://www.yoyobox.ro/ro/